October 13th
So to make a long story short, at age 17 I found the guy of my dreams! How often does that happen? The past 6 years haven’t been all pretty. I’ll be the first to admit we’ve had our ups and downs. But within the past 6 years Jordan and I have had the chance to grow up with one another. We’ve spent some of the most critical years of our lives with each other. We’ve seen each other change from extremely immature teenagers to little immature yet more mature young adults. Not many couples can say that about one another. We both have learned so many lessons about life and love together. Jordan has had an astronomical impact on my life and has every bit of my heart! I know this is so cliché, but he means everything to me and I can’t even begin to imagine what my life would be without him in it. I suppose that my absolute worst fear about this whole thing is wondering if our time together will not only will begin at such a young age, but that it will end at such a young age. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about all of those “what if’s.” I know 6 years seems like a long time and I certainly consider myself one of the luckiest girls to have had this time with Jordan so far. But I don’t want just 6 years. I want 60 years to spend with him.
I like to think of myself as a strong and independent individual when I’m faced with most difficult situations. I guess I can relate with Jaime about being a mediator and fixing situations when they come along. But the raw hard truth is that we have no control over this particular situation. The only thing I have control over is how my time with Jordan is spent for these last few weeks before he is scheduled to deploy. I only have control over making sure that he knows exactly how I feel about him before he leaves and this is what I put my focus on. I often think about that moment Jordan and I first met and wonder what did I do to deserve that perfect October 13th night?
-posted by Lindsay
Oh my dear sweet Lindsay and Jordan. It is your name Lindsay that is said along with Jordan’s everyday in our prayers. We think you have developed into very beautiful, responsible woman. We love you and thank you for loving Jordan for so many years and having the wonderful influence you have had on him. You are very much a member of this family and we are always here for you. Kathy
I have watched you two together for several years and I have known for some time that Jordan was very fortunate to find someone like you that loved him, appreciated him and could be a good friend when he needed one. I know that in life, finding someone like that can take a long time. Appreciate each day you have. Kathy and I both love you and pray for you and Jordan daily. Tim
You don’t know me, we may have met in passing...but I stumbled upon this blog by way of my cousin’s blog (Meredith Moore). My name is also Lindsey. I know Jordan and Libby through my cousin (Stephanie). So finding this blog caught my attention...and as I read on...my heart.
You see...I am currently going through a 15month deployment. My husband is AD Army. I first want to admit how blessed I am...God is SO GOOD to me!! Keep him with you every step of the way, and you’ll survive this time as a military girlfriend. This is actually our second deployment. My husband was deployed 14 months during 2004. He asked me to marry him on his two week R&R home from his first deployment...we were engaged 2 days and then ran off to get married. (Yikes!!) Anyways, I've been an Army wife ever since...and it is TOUGH!! You sound strong and mature...and you can def. feel the love you have for Jordan in your blog, its amazing what love will pull you through!! The best bit of advice I've ever received was...actually two bits 1) The will of God will never take you where the power of God will not protect you. 2) Absence makes the heart grow fonder!!! SO TRUE!!
Anyways...I feel as though I'm rambling...I just wanted to let you know, you’re never alone. Keep your chin up and if you ever need anything...although we don’t know one another, I'll lend an ear :) God Bless you and Jordan, you'll both be in my prayers from here on out.
Lindsey Mullen
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