Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Imagine my elation when I checked my email yesterday and had 15 emails from Jordan all full of pictures! Oh, it made me so happy to get to see him and gave me such peace knowing that he really is ok. I know you will enjoy seeing them too. I got to speak with him on Thanksgiving, and it was WONDERFUL to hear his voice! He is doing well. He is tired and a little homesick, but he feels safe and is making lots of friends in true Jordan fashion.

Also, there is a slight change to Jordan's address. If I have given it to you and not emailed you with the correction, please let me know. Stuff that has already been mailed to him is still getting to him, but we will need to use the new address in the future. Anything you would like for him to receive before Christmas needs to be mailed before December 4. If you could just take the time to send him a Christmas card, I know that would help him during this lonely time of year. Thank you again for all of your love and support!

-posted by Jaime


Annie said...

Jaime, thanks for sharing the pictures. The updates have been wonderful. In your last post you said you never heard him complain once, and I think that is so admirable! I complain about the smallest things, and he is serving our country with such class!
Also, please send me his address so we can get a Christmas care package in the mail ASAP! Thanks

Terri said...

Hey Jaime!
I think I may need the address correction. My email is:
I'm glad you shared the deadline date for sending Christmas cards, I was just wondering that the other day! Thanks :)
~Terri White